About Us

Stuart Realty Group2

Real Estate

Auction Method

Showcase Homes

Development Land 

Residential Properties

Court Orders Partitions - Referee

Commercial & Industrial Land

Sale of Business Opportunities

Transitional and Estate

We also offer Private treaty sales 

(Traditional Listing and Buying of any & all Real Estate)
We serve as Referee in several different types of County Court cases.
Trustee services for the U.S. Bankruptcy Court.

Serving Oregon, Washington State and Idaho, available to help serve you throughout the US with our National Real Estate Network of Associates and partners of the National Auctioneers Association.

Benefit Fundraising Auctioneer 

 Beneficial Auction Services
Fundraising Specialist 

Tim Stuart has over 30 years of professional marketing expertise and project management. In 1999 he focused his expertise in real estate, later creating Stuart Realty Group, Inc., serving as Principal Broker. In 2004, Tim became an auctioneer to utilize the auction method of marketing for real estate. He also applies his talents to service benefit, antique, and online auctions.

Tim serves as President of the Oregon Auctioneers Association (OAA). He is also an active member of both the OAA and National Auctioneers Association (NAA). Tim is a 2004 graduate of World Wide College of Auctioneering and a 2007 World Champion College of Auctioneering graduate. As a Dale Carnegie course graduate, Tim enjoys helping others to create win/win situations. Tim holds a (CAI) Certified

Auctioneer Institute designation 
and is currently a candidate for several other designations through the National Auctioneer Association Educational Institute (NAAEI), including Benefit Auctioneer Specialist (BAS), and Accredited Auctioneer of Real Estate (AARE). 
Tim is comfortable at the podium as he travels the State of Oregon, Washington and Idaho conducting several auctions each month for nationally based real estate & auction companies. Through his Toastmaster training, Tim enjoys working with an audience of any size.

Tim makes his home in Canby, Oregon with his wife JillMarie and their two daughters. Tim can be contacted at Tim@StuartRealtyGroupInc.com or www.StuartRealtyGroupInc.com


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